I’d like to start with that fact that I haven’t been running for long. I mean running regularly. I’m no expert at running and I’m not very fast. I’ve always been more of a long distance runner anyway. And I’d also like to add that I have like a lot of people a very dodgy knee which has had 3 operations on it over the years! Some would say running probably isn’t the best sport for me but I now love it. I’ve been a member of various gyms over the years and I have always been into sport and keeping fit, so I love the freedom of just stepping out of your front door to exercise. It’s brilliant. Plus I’m lucky to live in a very beautiful part of West London so I get to run along the river.
Most people would think, especially if you’re not into running that running in the rain, well that’s horrible right! Who’d run in the rain? You get wet and cold! When it’s raining our natural reaction is to stay indoors if we can. That’s in this country. In some countries they celebrate the rain falling and even dance in it. I remember as a child me and my brother and sister going outside and dancing and playing in the rain thinking that it was so much fun! The thing about running in the rain is that it goes against the norm and that’s part of why it’s so fantastic. When you go for a run in the rain you don’t see many if any other runners. When you get home sure your wet, but you’re gonna have a shower anyway and the sense of achievement and not being beaten by the weather is brilliant! I actually recommend it!
This can be applied to life in many ways and going against the norm can be fantastic.
Here’s a lovely quote I found recently –
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it ….” – Henry Ford
In life and business sometimes our gut tells us to turn around and head upstream. That’s not what everyone else is doing and it looks really tough. I say go for it! You’ll never know unless you try. And just like running in the rain, you may actually enjoy it! It’s all about getting out of your comfort zone.
The thing about getting out of your comfort zone is that usually it really isn’t as hard or scary or uncomfortable as you thought it would be.
When you step outside your comfort zone, that’s when the magic happens.
Now that’s some truth! Profound wisdom in these words, Rachael. Thanks for sharing!