I have been performing since a very young age and it had been a love and passion of mine for as long as I can remember.
To view my Spotlight CV go here:

“Rachael is a fantastic person to work with. She is
easy-going, attentive, listens and adjusts well to direction given to her and
above all, has one of the best smiles around. I would work with Rachael again
in the future in a heart beat.” (Acting/On Camera work for Persil Commercials)
“I recently shot a comedy short film which needed a voice
over for the final scene. It involved the main character at his lowest ebb,
moments from death and on the phone to a female automated answer machine. I
spent many hours looking for the right voice and crucially someone who could
deliver a funny performance. Rachael was it. Her voice was perfect for the role
and it really helped to bring the film to life, which is ironic really cause
it’s her voice that kills him!” (Film ‘1500 words’)

Recent credits include –
Working with Derek Jacobi and Hayley Atwell in the Radio 4 Drama
‘The Martian Chronicles’.
A few commercials for Persil playing the mum.
Lot’s of exciting things coming up so watch this space!
e-mail:hello@comedyactorslondon.com call: 07564 918 848
UK Voiceover Agent:
Excellent Talent, London
Phone: + 44 (0)3452 100 111
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
E-mail address: olivia@excellenttalent.com
US Voiceover Agent:
David Salazar, DPN talent
Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com
UK - Excellent Talent
Phone: + 44 (0) 3452 100 111
E-mail: info@excellenttalent.com
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
US - Voiceover Agent
LA Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com
CANDA - Ta-Da! Voice works
Phone: + 01 647-351-3530
Website: www.tadavoiceworks.com
E-mail address: tanya@tadavoiceworks.com
Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com