A little bit about me…

I’ve always enjoyed using my voice and talking is a skill I’ve been very good at from a young age. If you asked any of my teachers at school I’m sure they’d agree!

I’ve always loved performing and I was inspired from a young age by my grandfather who was a wonderful actor. So it wasn’t a surprise when I went off to Drama School to pursue my dreams.

I got into voiceover work through acting.

I absolutely love being a voiceover artist and I enjoy working with my clients to bring their words to life. It’s so wonderful being part of fantastic projects and the voice is often such an important part. Being the voice that sells a product, conveys important information, engages and entertains the listener. I feel incredibly lucky to have a job I truly love and some amazing clients too.

While at Drama school I had a fantastic teacher who encouraged me to look into the world of voiceovers. So after leaving I decided to give it a go and I haven’t looked back. The first time I stepped in front of the mic I knew this was the job for me. One of my early voiceover gigs was the Virgin Media job I still do today! I also have a background in singing which helps me understand pitch, rhythm and variation in tone.

Here’s a selection of some of my current and previous clients.

I have a top quality recording studio at home which means I can provide voiceover recordings to clients all over the world and with a super quick turnaround time. As I’m based in West London I can also head into town or around London easily too.

To listen to my voiceover showreel’s click here –

My voice has been described as friendly, down to earth, fresh, natural, young, upbeat, energetic, smooth, urban, sexy, engaging, London, versatile and fun.

So what do people say about working with me?

Find out here


UK Voiceover Agent:
Excellent Talent, London

Phone: + 44 (0)3452 100 111
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
E-mail address: olivia@excellenttalent.com 

US Voiceover Agent:
David Salazar, DPN talent

Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com



Voiceover Enquiries

UK - Excellent Talent

Phone: + 44 (0) 3452 100 111
E-mail: info@excellenttalent.com
Website: www.excellenttalent.com

US - Voiceover Agent

LA Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com

Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com

CANDA - Ta-Da! Voice works 

Phone: + 01 647-351-3530
Website: www.tadavoiceworks.com
E-mail address: tanya@tadavoiceworks.com

Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com

Current and previous clients

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