A little bit about me…
I’ve always enjoyed using my voice and talking is a skill I’ve been very good at from a young age. If you asked any of my teachers at school I’m sure they’d agree!
I’ve always loved performing and I was inspired from a young age by my grandfather who was a wonderful actor. So it wasn’t a surprise when I went off to Drama School to pursue my dreams.
I got into voiceover work through acting.

While at Drama school I had a fantastic teacher who encouraged me to look into the world of voiceovers. So after leaving I decided to give it a go and I haven’t looked back. The first time I stepped in front of the mic I knew this was the job for me. One of my early voiceover gigs was the Virgin Media job I still do today! I also have a background in singing which helps me understand pitch, rhythm and variation in tone.

To listen to my voiceover showreel’s click here –

My voice has been described as friendly, down to earth, fresh, natural, young, upbeat, energetic, smooth, urban, sexy, engaging, London, versatile and fun.
UK Voiceover Agent:
Excellent Talent, London
Phone: + 44 (0)3452 100 111
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
E-mail address: olivia@excellenttalent.com
US Voiceover Agent:
David Salazar, DPN talent
Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com
UK - Excellent Talent
Phone: + 44 (0) 3452 100 111
E-mail: info@excellenttalent.com
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
US - Voiceover Agent
LA Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com
CANDA - Ta-Da! Voice works
Phone: + 01 647-351-3530
Website: www.tadavoiceworks.com
E-mail address: tanya@tadavoiceworks.com
Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com