Voice of God
“Thank you with all my heart Rachael for your sheer power and beautiful Voice filling the room at That’s Voiceover!”
“A pleasure to work with. Fast turn around. Delivers superb content. A joy.”

UK Voiceover Agent:
Excellent Talent, London
Phone: + 44 (0)3452 100 111
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
E-mail address: olivia@excellenttalent.com
US Voiceover Agent:
David Salazar, DPN talent
Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com
UK - Excellent Talent
Phone: + 44 (0) 3452 100 111
E-mail: info@excellenttalent.com
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
US - Voiceover Agent
LA Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com
CANDA - Ta-Da! Voice works
Phone: + 01 647-351-3530
Website: www.tadavoiceworks.com
E-mail address: tanya@tadavoiceworks.com
Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com