“’Rachael Naylor has got to be one of the hardest working VOs in the business! She’s smart, talented, driven and has an incredibly positive attitude. She never stops learning and she’s a very quick study”

Dian Perry


UK Voiceover Agent:
Excellent Talent, London

Phone: + 44 (0)3452 100 111
Website: www.excellenttalent.com
E-mail address: olivia@excellenttalent.com 

US Voiceover Agent:
David Salazar, DPN talent

Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com



Voiceover Enquiries

UK - Excellent Talent

Phone: + 44 (0) 3452 100 111
E-mail: info@excellenttalent.com
Website: www.excellenttalent.com

US - Voiceover Agent

LA Phone: + 01 (310) 432 7800
Website: www.dpntalent.com
E-mail address: david@dpntalent.com

Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com

CANDA - Ta-Da! Voice works 

Phone: + 01 647-351-3530
Website: www.tadavoiceworks.com
E-mail address: tanya@tadavoiceworks.com

Me: rachael@rachaelnaylor.com

Current and previous clients

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